How to Identify Spider Bites or Bed Bug Bites

In the middle of the night, you feel a sharp pain in your arm. You look down, and you see a red bump — maybe even a couple of them. You may have been bitten by either a spider or bed bugs. But how can you tell which pest bit you?

Bedbug and spider bites are similar in some respects, but there are techniques to tell them apart. Both sorts of bites can produce swelling, itching, and redness.

Spider bites and bed bug bites are fairly easy for the untrained person to differentiate. But if you’re not experienced, it can be hard to tell the difference. We’ll go over how a professional pest control company can help you immediately identify spider bites, bed bug bites, and what steps to take next.

Spider bites

Spiders generally only bite once, and the location of the bite is completely random. It is typically inadvertent or in response to a perceived threat that they bite humans. Their bites may go unnoticed initially because they are often painless, but a small puncture wound may be visible at the site of the bite or stinger insertion. Some people report feeling a pinprick when bitten by spiders, while others do not feel anything at all.

The physical appearance of a spider bite will vary depending on the type of spider, as well as an individual’s reaction to its venom. These reactions range from mild irritation to necrosis (tissue death). Spider bites typically result in two small, side-by-side puncture marks on the skin that are visible to the naked eye in most cases.

The first signs of a spider bite are usually redness and swelling at the site of the bite. It is possible that the bite will be itchy. In the majority of cases, common spider bites heal within a few days and do not result in any further symptoms or complications.

Bedbug bites

With bedbugs, on the other hand, you may discover fresh bites every day or every few days. If you don’t identify and eliminate them, they will continue to reproduce and feed on you.

Bedbug bites often occur in groups near or at the skin’s surface. They can be red to reddish-brown, with a darker red spot in the middle of each welt. Bedbug bites typically appear in a zigzag pattern and are often found on exposed areas such as the neck, face, arms, and hands.

Although bedbugs can bite any part of the body, they tend to bite areas that are exposed while you’re sleeping. The peak feeding time for bedbugs is between 1:00 and 5:00 am.

Call us today!

As you can see, it’s not always easy to tell if you’ve been bitten by a spider or have bed bugs. That’s why it’s important to call a trained professional to take care of any pests that have invaded your home. Call us and we’ll be be happy to come out and tackle all of your pest problems.